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Section: New Results

Trustworthy domain-specific compilers

To achieve safety and composability, we believe that an holistic approach is called for, involving not only the design of a domain-specific syntax but also of a domain-specific semantics. Concretely, we are exploring the design of certified domain-specific compilers that integrate, from the ground up, a denotational and domain-specific semantics as part of the design of a domain-specific language. This vision is illustrated by our work on the safe compilation of Coq programs into secure OCaml code [10]. It combines ideas from gradual typing – through which types are compiled into run-time assertions – and the theory of ornaments  [31] – through which Coq datatypes can be related to OCaml datatypes. Within this formal framework, we enable a secure interaction, termed dependent interoperability, between correct-by-construction software and untrusted programs, be it system calls or legacy libraries. To do so, we trade static guarantees for runtime checks, thus allowing OCaml values to be safely coerced to dependently-typed Coq values and, conversely, to expose dependently-typed Coq programs defensively as OCaml programs. Our framework is developed in Coq: it is constructive and verified in the strictest sense of the terms. It thus becomes possible to internalize and hand-tune the extraction of dependently-typed programs to interoperable OCaml programs within Coq itself. This work is the result of a collaboration with Eric Tanter, from the University of Chile, and Nicolas Tabareau, from the Gallinette Inria project-team.